Thursday, May 17, 2007


I didn't know where to start…but once I found the way I could have written million things!
I'm really happy I edited the Informal learning page on Edutech because I feel I brought forward something which will turn to be useful for my future.
We are always so busy in doing things that thinking about us, what we feel and think is difficult!
I think that you never finish learning and if you want to keep your mind flexible and active you can't stop learning, no matter how!
Our mind is a precious good we have been provided with and it is important to be aware of how to use it in the best way.
This year we have been given the chance of learning English in a practical way and I'm sure we all realized that although we grew up in this century we were cut off from the online world we have discovered lately. I found this last etivity rather stimulating and coherent with the course objectives.

So, first of all, I took notes to draw my concept map and at the end I realized that I learn by doing! As I wrote in my final paper, I learn more when I do things step by step and within a relaxed context.
In my map in fact there is a big space dedicated to people. I have friends all over the world and I learn a lot from them about their language and their culture! At the end there must be a reason why I decided to study languages, I'm talkative and curious!

First of all I divided my map into two main sections: formal and informal; I put into the first section everything related to uni (teachers, uni-mates, books, classes, lectures, labs, seminars and conferences, projects). I put into the second section all I do by myself such as reading books and magazines, watching films, satellite tv, listening to music and radio, writing emails, instant messaging, talking (on the phone or face-to-face), travelling, internet, blogs, wikis.

I made an interesting consideration: I put all the tools learnt during this course into the informal section and the reason is that during this last year we learnt as a group but I think also that we developed personal skills.


Alida said...

dear Elena,
I agree with all the things you wrote in this post. I think that we sometimes are too lazy to remember that using our brain and improving our knowledge is essential and vital. I did divide my mindmap exactly as you did but I'm sure that as time passes by we will have many other things to add in our lists.
But I hope you won't delete the old ones to include the new features!:)

have a nice week end!
many kisses!

avalonne83 said...

Hi Elena,

I agree with you: keeping learning and learning how to learn can help us to be more flexible.

Thinking about our PLE is a good way to reflect on our learning experiences, on what we have done so far and also on what we have to do. Anyway, as usual, our maps need to be updated as time passes by...


Erica Buzz said...

Dear Elena,

as you wrote in the first sentences I had the same difficulty, too. At first I had no ideas but then I didn't know what to write because I had too many things to write...

I agree with you whan you say that we never finish to learn and that if we want to keep our mind flexible we must never stop learning!

I hope I'll have other possibilities to learn new things as has happened during this course and I hope these knowledge I've developed up to now will be useful in the future...

See you next week.

Alessandra said...

Dear Elena,
I agree with you that your contribution on the "informal learning" page was very important... look at how many things we discovered!

I realized I forgot about "instant messaging" in my PLE. I'll add them as well.
See you in class,

Elena said...

Dear all, thanks for your comments, I'm happy you agree with me.
I think we should keep an eye on technological tool now that we have reached a good competence!
keep learning!


Viola said...

Dear Elena,
reading what you put in mindmap I realized how many things I forgot to mention! But as you said there will be time to add new things!

Shoun (aka Tania) said...

Ciao Ele! I agree with what you wrote! Do you remember when we edited the Informal Learning page?! lots of laugh at the beginning because we couldn't understand what's informal learning, but it was useful because it helped us to fill in the PLE! Then, I particularly agree with you when you say that you learn by doing! It happens to me, too! BAcio TAnia

Shoun (aka Tania) said...

Ciao Ele! I agree with what you wrote! Do you remember when we edited the Informal Learning page?! lots of laugh at the beginning because we couldn't understand what's informal learning, but it was useful because it helped us to fill in the PLE! Then, I particularly agree with you when you say that you learn by doing! It happens to me, too! BAcio TAnia

Elena said...

Yes, Tania, I remenber!!We had never thought we could help others that much!
very good!!

alex said...

Hi Elena!

I completely agree with you when you say that developing our PLE was rather stimulating because nowadays we are often in a hurry and do not stop to reflect on things. Moreover, I think that the best way to develop language skills is to keep in touch with people all around the world and in this sense all kind of tools can be very useful - the ones we have learnt to use so far are uncluded, of course.

see u soon

Her Royal Highness Susanne said...

Hi Elena,

As our classmates, I completely agree with the things you wrote. Often, we simply forget about the informal learning evironment. We should remember that we learn everyday something new!:-) I agree with you when you say that you learn better when you do the things step by step within a relaxed context.
See you soon,